Posted in IT

Programme on Arte: TPB AFK

Hi, Yesterday was ‘Internet’- and ‘Copyright’-evening on Arte (a German/French tv station), and after a documentary about Google books there was another documentary about the legal process against the ‘The Pirate Bay’-founders in Sweden. Unfortunately, it started quite late and I wasn’t able to watch it until the end (but, it could be watched again over the Internet:–7415440.html). First of all: Yes, I have quite some sympathy for these guys, and there are a lot of reasons, why Internet-sites like ‘The Pirate Bay’ work. However, I also respect the copyright, so yeah, it was definitely not right what they…

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Posted in Weather

Confirmed: March was too cold in Central Europe

Hi everybody, Yesterday I saw some quite interesting statistics – first, a German tv station compared this March’s average temperatures to the long-term average temperature for March. These statistics stated, that – in Central Europe – it was too cold by about 4° C. Another statistics on CNN compared the Easter temperatures to the Christmas temperature of 2012 and – surprise, surprise – these also stated that Easter was much colder (by about 6 to 8° C in Central Europe) than Christmas. So, no it’s not just a feeling, it is definitely too cold. Nevertheless, since we are in a…

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Posted in Television

First The Voice UK Auditions

Hi folks, On Saturday, the first ‘The Voice UK’-auditions were broadcasted on BBC One. As expected, a lot of good singers, however, it is interesting that especially the singers who once were successful in the 90s sound quite boring, so it seems that auto-tune was used a lot in this era… is as funny as always (I couldn’t imagine that he would be so funny, before I saw the first ‘The Voice UK’-series last year), nevertheless, my wife and I are quite big fans of Danny. So, quite looking forward to the next installment on Saturday. Find information in…

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Snow Tree in March
Posted in Weather

27th of March – Winter in Austria

Sometimes I am really wondering, if Christmas shouldn’t be postponed to February or March, as – at least in the last years – these months provide a much higher chance of having ‘White Christmas’. This photo was taken from the window of my office in Vienna yesterday. Find information in English on the 2-click solution here:

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Posted in Politics

Cyprus is saved… Is it?

Hi folks, Politicians in Europe are quite proud at the moment that they saved Cyprus… have they? Imagine… You have a bank account, savings account – whatever. It has about 2,000 EUR on it. On first sight, be happy, you are quite far below the 30%-extra-tax-value of 100,000 EUR. But then you begin to think ‘This was only the first round’ and remind yourself that it took several steps to save Greece (if it has already been saved!). That’s why you start to think about the next steps, the European politicians could think, if the first step was not enough….

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Posted in IT

About my Webhoster – UPDATED (new affiliate plans)

Hi everybody, Today I want to tell you about my webhoster. It’s Dreamhost and it also hosts another site I am managing ( The cool thing is that if you are looking for a webhoster and use the following link, not only I get some reward for this, but you can also take profit by having $50 off your first payment: 50$ discount on Dreamhost So, it would be nice if you would support me and this site by using this link when signing up with them. Thanks a lot in advance! Find information in English on the 2-click solution…

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Posted in Theatre

‘Black Tie’ by A.R. Gurney in Vienna’s English Theatre

And now for something completely different (I warned you, this blog really covers a lot of topics)… On Saturday, my wife and I went to Vienna to watch a play in Vienna’s English Theatre: ‘Black Tie’ by A.R. Gurney. A very amusing piece about the changes of dresscode (but not only dresscode) in today’s US during the time, offered by 3 generations. First, there is the main character, Curtis, who is about to write a speech for his son’s rehearsal dinner (or, as his father might want to put it, the bridal dinner). He is the one most torn apart…

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Posted in IT

UK television outside uk – other options

Hi again, Reading through my last post again, I noticed that I forgot to mention 2 more possibilites: 4. Satellite Dish Of course that would be the most easy solution, however, since most British programmes are broadcasted using Astra 2D, which is only covering the British Isles, one would need a quite big dish (2 – 3 meters) in the east of Austria. 5. TOR Network In short: Please don’t use this option, that’s not what the TOR network is about. Media data like television streaming needs a lot of bandwidth, and besides this option being rather slow (it used…

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Posted in IT

How to watch UK tv outside the UK

Hi everybody, Nice to see you found my blog – I am new to this and just arrived from the “analogue” world. I want to begin this blog with a question that has appeared about thousands of times already on the Internet, however there are few “good” solutions: How can I watch television from the United Kingdom when I don’t have a UK-IP-address? Actually, as I said, there are a few good solutions out there, but let’s start with what does not work (in my experience, at least): 1. A UK proxy: This won’t work – most proxies are on…

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